New Urban block _ Blocktel
transforming Love motel Chon
1st Prize
at Graduate Exhibition
Chonnam National University
Individual Work
Advisors Hyo-Won Lee, Ju-won Song,
Se-gue Oh, Seung-hoon Han,
U-sang Yoo
This project suggests a type of system and prototype for a change in Korean motel complex having negative characteristics that are different from other countries’. What is MOTEL in Korea? Numerous motels performed as a love hotel bright the cityscape behind a law’s back.
Unlike the motels in the United States, motels in Korea were different from the start. The first generation motels appeared before the Asian Games and the Olympics in the 80’s with encouraging policy to meet the accommodation necessities. In 1994, the Korean government mitigated the agricultural land regulation for development and eased the restrictions for lodging business, and 2nd generation motels became spreads out.
Parking lots were added to the motels as an essential component. To grab the attentions, motels started to decorate themselves with various forms of provinces around the world, even bringing in palm trees and foreign landmarks creating a night light that is brighter than the day making the landscape look like a feast of fancy motels. With increasing voice of complaint about motels negative effect on education, Motels were best at minimizing investment payback periods and division of land areas was sufficient. 3rd generation motels stuck to prior generations’ surviving methods such as locating in assembly areas and having showy exterior. We called these motel crowded areas as “motel-chon” and these areas were avoided during the day and its flashed lights were attracting people in the night. Motels have become ironic places with negative awareness that made people unwilling to visit as it was conserved as unsound venues but still have visited. Even in such situations, there are no efforts to improve the motel-chon.
Much more architectural attention is needed for motel-chon which is evaded but related with daily life.
Motel in Korea is different with US

Korean motel History
Love motel 'chon' in Gwangju, Gwangju old town

Density of love motel in Gwangju old town

Like many other cities in Korea, Gwangju has many motel-chons across the city. Especially, one of the motel-chons in old downtown in Gwangju has the chance to develop along the Asian Culture Center which will be constructed in 2015. ACC highly expects that many visitors and artists will visit Gwangju due to the appearance of new cultural facilities based on Asian culture. The ACC is planning programs for artists to participate for an average of 2 to 3 months, but accommodation for these artists during their stay at Gwangju is very limited.
New possibility of Motel Block with Asia Culture Center

In Gwangju, Asian Culture Center is a huge architectural, cultural, and social issue. Can it be operated well? Through ACC, Gwangju is trying to be a cultural city. However, there is doubtful that Gwangju has infrastructure to support the huge facility.

New type of lodging area wearing the keyword, Art, will be built to satisfy enough rooms to accommodate the artists and the visitors. It can be a new strategy for reformation of existing motels to the new type of motel-chon from the hidden place to the exposed place.
What Programs are needed for New Motel chon?

ACC’s expected users are administrator, artists, and visitors. ACC has to develop the programs for them to fulfill their requirements. Currently, however, lodging facilities, residence, or support programs are not satisfied to accommodate all of them. By introducing and utilizing the improved these support programs and facilities, motel-chon can be developed. Harmonization of lodging, supporting facilities in motel, workroom for artists, and existing local commercial market is the requisite to make Gwangju as a better city to stay and work for the artists. Also, for visitors, Gwangju will be a new notable lodging area where with great quality of accommodation and available to see the artists’ work and the cityscape.
What methods can be the better for New Motel chon?

Through analysis of hotel’s prototype, its amenities such as laundry, cafe, and restaurant are established already in motel assembly area separately. By connecting roofs and middle of floors of existing buildings, the block can be operated as an one building including new-made Lobby space under the RoofScape.
These project have to be conducted slowly. Do Micro Development !

In Korea, a complete demolition has been used mostly for urban renewal. This method brings extinction of features and placeness of a certain area. The project's objective and direction are to induce a local economy by maximizing the function, making lodging assembly area on the basis of block using the existing region’s characteristics as additional facilities.
New space should be allowed of the region’s stakeholders to adapt to the change of not only a short term initial change in the environment, but a long term gradual change, increasing the value of the usage by maintaining the cities’ space, remodeling the functions and partial form or total replacement.

Master plan